• Song:

    El Principe De La Dulce Pena

  • Artist:

    Mago De Oz

Pues he aqui la tab, si desean escuchar el audio
de la pista lo encontraran en la pagina de abajo.

El Principe de la Dulce Pena

Mägo De Oz

Visiten www.redtabs.es.tl

     ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v

  ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^


  ^                                ^



                                                        ^ v ^ v ^













  ^                                ^



Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

Tablature Legend
L - tied note
x - dead note
g - grace note
(n) - ghost note
> - accentuded note
NH - natural harmonic
AH - artificial harmonic
TH - tapped harmonic
SH - semi harmonic
PH - pitch harmonic
h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend
br - bendRelease
pb - preBend
pbr - preBendRelease
brb - bendReleaseBend
n/ - tremolo bar dip
n - tremolo bar dive
-/n - tremolo bar Release up
/n - tremolo bar inverted dip
/n - tremolo bar return
-n - tremolo bar Release down
S - shift slide
s - legato slide
/ -  slide into from below or out of upwards
 -  slide into from above or out of downwards
~ - vibrato
W - wide vibrato
tr - trill
TP - tremolo picking
T - tapping
S - slap
P - pop
< - fade in
^ - brush up
v - brush down
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