• Song:

    I See The Light

  • Artist:

    Mandy Moore Zachary Levi

Verse 1:
A (x02220@1)                   E (022100@1)                          AAll (x02220@1)those days watching from the windows
A (x02220@1)                     E (022100@1)                  AAll (x02220@1)those years outside looking in
D (xx0232@1)                   A (x02220@1)            EAll (022100@1)that time, never even knowing
A (x02220@1)           F#m (244222@1)       EJust (022100@1)how blind I've been

A (x02220@1)                 E (022100@1)                     ANow (x02220@1)I'm here blinking in the starlight
A (x02220@1)                  E (022100@1)              ANow (x02220@1)I'm here, suddenly I see
D (xx0232@1)                         C#mStanding (x13321@4)here, it's oh so clear
      Bm (x24432@1)                        EI'm (022100@1)where I'm meant to be

       D (xx0232@1)             AAnd (x02220@1)at last, I see the light
         E (022100@1)              AAnd (x02220@1)it's like the fog has lifted
       D (xx0232@1)             AAnd (x02220@1)at last, I see the light
         C#m (x13321@4)            F#mAnd (244222@1)it's like the sky is new
         D (xx0232@1)               AAnd (x02220@1)it's warm and real and bright
        C#m (x13321@4)              DAnd (xx0232@1)the world has somehow shifted
AAll (x02220@1)at once
E (022100@1)              AEverything (x02220@1)looks different
D (xx0232@1)      E (022100@1)   ANow (x02220@1)that I see you

Verse 2:
C (x32010@1)                   G (320003@1)                      CAll (x32010@1)those days chasing down a daydream
C (x32010@1)                   G (320003@1)              CAll (x32010@1)those years living in a blur
F (133211@1)                  C (x32010@1)             GAll (320003@1)that time, never truly seeing
C (x32010@1)                            GThings (320003@1)the way they were
C (x32010@1)                    C (x32010@1)                  GNow (320003@1)she's here shining in the starlight
C (x32010@1)                     C (x32010@1)             GNow (320003@1)she's here, suddenly I know
F (133211@1)                      EmIf (022000@1)she's here, it's crystal clear
    Dm (xx0231@1)               GI'm (320003@1)where I'm meant to go

       F (133211@1)            CAnd (x32010@1)at last, I see the light
         G (320003@1)             CAnd (x32010@1)it's like the fog has lifted
       F (133211@1)            CAnd (x32010@1)at last, I see the light
         Em (022000@1)            AmAnd (x02210@1)it's like the sky is new
         F (133211@1)              CAnd (x32010@1)it's warm and real and bright
        G (320003@1)              FAnd (133211@1)the world has somehow shifted
C (x32010@1)              G (320003@1)                 CAll (x32010@1)at once, everything is different
F (133211@1)     G (320003@1)  FNow (133211@1)that I see you
F (133211@1)     G (320003@1)  CNow (x32010@1)that I see you
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