• Song:

    Darling Pretty

  • Artist:

    Mark Knopfler

  • Album:

    Darling Pretty


 A5   D5   D5   A5 

 A5   D5   D5   E5 

 A5   D5   B5   C#5

 F#5   C#5   D5   A5
 A5   D5      A5     D5     A5
  A5                  D5               A5
   It's time to come away   my darling pretty
                     D5                      E5
   It's time to come away   on the changing tide
  A5             D5            C#5
   Time to come away   darling pretty
  F#5             C#5       D5     A5
   And I need you darling   by my side
  A5                  D5               A5
   Heal me with a smile   my darling pretty
                     D5                      E5
   Heal me with a smile   and a heart of gold
  A5             D5             C#5
   Carry me a while   my darling pretty
  F#5             C#5       D5     A5
   Heal my aching   heart and soul
SOLO 1 :
  A    D        A                D                E
------- | ---------- | ------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
----10- | -9-7------ | ------------- | -----10-12-10^9------9------- | ------------ | 
->9---- | -----9-11- | -9^11-9----9- | ---x------------11-9---11-11- | -9^11-11>13- | 
------- | ---------- | --------11--- | -x--------------------------- | ------------ | 
------- | ---------- | ------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
------- | ---------- | ------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
A        D     C#m        F#m    C#m    Bm7      A    
---------------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----------- | 
---------10-9--------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----------- | 
-9----9-------11-9-11- | -9^11-11^9-----9- | ----6-9^6- | -4~(5)~4^2- | 
---11----------------- | ------------11--- | ->7------- | ----------- | 
---------------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----------- | 
---------------------- | ----------------- | ---------- | ----------- | 
  E5            A5   D5
   Just like a castaway
  B5   A5         B5     E5
   Lost upon  and endless sea
  E5          A5   D5
   I saw you far away
  B5      A5      E5
   Come to rescue me
  A5                  D5             A5
cast away the chains, darling pretty
           D5                E5
cast away the chains away behind
  A5             D5     D5       C#5
take away my pain, my darling pretty
  F#5             C#5       D5     A5
and the chains that once were yours and mine
A      D            A            D                   E
--------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
-------10-9---- | ------------------- | -12~(14)-12-10-9-12-10-9----- | ------------ | 
-----9------11- | -9-9^11-9^11-9---9- | --------------------------11- | -9-11-11>13- | 
->11----------- | ---------------11-- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
--------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
--------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------ | 
A         D          C#m       F#m      C#m    Bm7        A
------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | 
----9-10-12-10^9--------- | -------------- | ---------5>7----- | ----------------- | 
-11--------------11^9-11- | -9^11-9-----9- | -------6-----4>2- | -4~(5)~4^2-4---2- | 
------------------------- | ---------11--- | -7^6^7----------- | ---------------2- | 
------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | 
------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | 

  A5                D5              A5
there will come a day, darling pretty
                 D5                   E5
there will come a day when hearts can fly
  A5                D5         C#5
love will find a way, my darling pretty
  F#5     C#5       D5     A5
find a heaven for you and I
C#5         D5                   C#5
love will find a way, my darling pretty
 F#5      C#5       D5     A5
find a heaven for you and I
A        D            A               D     E        A        D            
------------ | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------- | 
---------10- | ----10-12~(14)~12-10- | -10-9-9~(10)~9---- | -9-10----9- | -12~(14)-(14)~12-10^12-10 | 
-12~(14)---- | -11------------------ | ---------------11- | -9----11-9- | 9------------------------ | 
------------ | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------- | 
------------ | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------- | 
------------ | --------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- | ------------------------- | 
 D         C#m      F#m          C#m     D         A                 D      
----------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | -------------------
-10^12-10^12^10-9-10^9- | -------------------- | ------10-12~(14)~12-10^12- | -10----10-12~(14)~12
----------------------- | 9^11-9^11~(13)~11-9- | -9^11--------------------- | ----11--------------
----------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | --------------------
----------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | --------------------
----------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | --------------------
           A             D                E       C#m           D   
-------- | ----------------------- | --------9-10-9---------- | -----10^12^10-9---- | ---12-------- | 
10-12^10 | ---10-12-12~(14)-12-10- | -12~(14)-------12-10-10- | ---10-----------12- | -14---14-12-- | 
-------- | -11-------------------- | ------------------------ | -11---------------- | -----------14 | 
-------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------- | ------------- | 
-------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------- | ------------- | 
-------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------- | ------------- | 
D        C#m         F#m             C#m        Bm7           A
-12-12^14----14~(16)~14-12- | ---12^14-14-17^14---14------------ | ------------------------- | 
----------15--------------- | -14--------------14----17~(19)-17- | -15^17^15-14-15-17------- | 
--------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | -------------------14-14- | 
--------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------- | 
--------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------- | 
--------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------- | 
A         D                A                   D                  E
------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------- | 
------------ | -------15-14----14------ | -------------------------- | ----15^17^15-14---- | 
-16-16~(18)- | -16-14-------16---16-14- | -16-16~(18)-16~(18)~16-14- | ----------------16- | 
------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | -16---------------- | 
------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------- | 
------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | ------------------- | 
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