G5 G5 E5 D5 C5 G5 G5 E5 D5 Jenny's daddy was five years gone by the time that Jenny was 6 years old C5 C5 A5 It was her and her mom and her parakeet Pete in a little blue house at the end of the street G5 G5 E5 D5 Her friends ask her what her daddy did and you know how it is when you're just a kid C5 C5 A5 D5 she couldn't tell em that she didn't know so Jenny just lied and told em' C5 D5 He's a cowboy riding the range G5 G5 E5 he's got a painted pony with a flowing mane C5 C5 and he's chasin the sun dodgin the rain E5 C5 and he don't go running away when it gets tough C5 he's made of that stuff that don't let you down, boy D5 G5 G5 E5 D5 C5 no, he's a cowboy G5 G5 E5 D5 C5 he's a cowboy 10 years later after a pillow fight, well Jenny and her friends got to talking bout life What they're gonna do when they graduate, what kind of guy they're gonna marry one day And All of her friends said the usual stuff, you know, Doctors and lawyers and bankers and such but jenny didn't even to lie when she started talking about her dream guy Chorus Jenny married a guy named Mike and they had a little boy and they started life Mike ran off 4 yrs ago and now her little boy is five years old And Jenny looks out the window and smiles at the way life works when you give it a while Little man running round out back with a stick horse and a little red hat Chorus And he got her that cowboy