--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) � Marvin Gaye --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: maguri Tuning: Standard Marvin Gaye Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) (1971) (Marvin Gaye) From: "What's Going On" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- capo 2nd fret CHORDS E-A-D-G-B-E F#/G# 4-x-4-3-2-x *G/A 5-x-5-4-3-x Dmaj7 x-x-0-2-2-2 Bm7 x-2-4-2-3-2 Em7 0-2-2-0-3-x G/A x-0-5-4-3-x Ebmaj7 x-x-1-3-3-3 Cm7 x-3-5-3-4-3 Fm7 1-3-3-1-4(1) Ab/Bb 6-x-6-5-4-x or x-1-1-1-4-x Abm9 4-x-4-3-4-x --------------------------------------------------------------------------- capo 2nd fret INTRO | F#/G# | % | *G/A | % | VERSE 1 Dmaj7 Woo ah, mercy mercy me Bm7 Em7 Ah things ain't what they used to be, no no Em7 Where did all the blue skies go? G/A [Dmaj7] Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east VERSE 2 Dmaj7 Woo mercy, mercy me Bm7 Em7 Ah things ain't what they used to be, no no G/A Oil wasted on the ocean and upon our seas, fish full of mercury VERSE3 Dmaj7 A-ah oh mercy, mercy me Bm7 Em7 Ah things ain't what they used to be, no no G/A Radiation underground and in the sky [Dmaj7] Animals and birds who live nearby are dying VERSE 4 Dmaj7 Oh mercy, mercy me Bm7 Em7 Ah things ain't what they u-sed to be G/A What about this overcrowded land How much more abuse from man can she stand? VERSE (vocals ad lib)) | Dmaj7 | % | Bm7 | % | | Em7 | % | G/A | % | Ooh-ooh, oh na na... My sweet Lord... No no no no My my Lord... My sweet Lord VERSE (half step up) | Ebmaj7 | % | Cm7 | % | | Fm7 | % | Ab/Bb | % | CODA | Abm9 | % | % | % | | Abm9 | % | % | % | | Abm9 | % | % | % | Abm9 [break and orchestral coda]