Tempest ? Mary Prankster (C@0) ---------------------------- G My manner is imperious C My logic is empirical G And I?m bad at being a girlfriend D So I?m hoping for a miracle I fear your disappointment When I don?t turn out ethereal Though either way for me I know it means some new material C Now don?t go thinkin? that you?re special D Just because you are G ?Cause I?m bound to overthink it D And I always go too far -CHORUS- G But if you think this kind of tempest C May just be your cup of tea G D Then I?d like to offer you G The heart of me Each attempt to clarify Serves only to confuse And it feels just like a fracture But it looks more like a bruise And my heart can?t bear the weight Of one more empty ?I love you? And I?ve strained my eyes to blindness Trying to find a point of view Now don?t go thinkin? that I?m crazy Just because I am ?Cause I wouldn?t act indifferent If I didn?t give a damn CHORUS Now don?t go thinkin? that I love you Just because I do ?Cause I?ve never met a certainty I couldn?t misconstrue CHORUS Yes, I?d like to offer you The heart of me�