Main Riff/Verses

Palm mute during the verses, open up a little during the chorus and outro

|--0-------------------------2----------------------| x2
Same acoustic chord progression, with this lead over it. A little bit of wah helps to 
that sweet Matt tone.

Solo: Played with a slide but you don't need one to play it, you can play it with bends 
it will sound find but here is the slide verion
|/13~13~13~13~13/13\\\\\8\\\\\\8\\\\6\\\\5~-----5-5~ 6\5/6/8-|
|--------------^Slide this note out-----------4/5------------|
|---------------and the next one in--------------------------|


That's basically it. This is my first tab so I'm sorry if there are any parts that have 
scratching your head. Enjoy Matt's great music!

Ben K.G
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