			              CHIMERA (Season of mist 2003)
				            Track 2
Guitar:	Blasphemer
Standard Eb:	Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-Bb-Eb
#~	-	Ring-out
///	-	Tremolo Pick
(#)	-	Ghost Note
<#>	-	Natural Harmonic
#*	-	Pinched Harmonic
#/#	-	Slide Up
##	-	Slide Down
#^	-	Bend Up
#v	-	Bend Down
  # 	-	Tap down fret (Don’t actually strike the note)
#_#	-	Hammer-ons and Pull-offs
Pm…	-	Palm Mute.
Hello again, Here is my Tab of “Dark night of the soul” by MAYHEM, this is definitely a difficult song to play, There’s a lot, and I mean a lot, of Riff variations of the main melody and if you have a goldfish memory, this song will prove very tricky, but have fun anyway.
This has taken me ages to work out, so I hope you appreciate the effort I’ve made to make this tab as perfect as I Can, listen to the song to see how each riff sounds.	Ad.
Evilouijagoth666 (Atatath / Adam Brunn)

Riff A

Riff B

       Riff C
  . .             

Riff D


(Riff B)

             Riff C2
  . .  . .               

Riff F

Riff G

Riff H


(Riff F)

Riff I

Riff J

              Riff K
  . .  . .                 . .                      . . . . . .
         . .                                                       . . .  . .

(Riff H)

(Riff A)

Riff F2

Riff L

Riff F3

(Riff L)

Riff F4

(Riff L)

(Riff F3)

(Riff L)

Riff F5
|-----------------------3-3--------------3 2---|

Riff M
                      .   .     .

Riff M (Guitar 2, this riff on the second part of Riff M when its played the last time, though they have one guitarist, dont ask me why there is another guitar layer)

(Riff J)

Riff N (transition)
  . .    . .  . . . . . .   

(Riff K)

(Riff C)

Riff F6

(Riff G)

Riff O
       . .

Riff P
  . . . .     . . . .       . . . .    

Riff P2
  . . . .     . . . .             . . . .                         

Riff P3


Riff P4


Riff P5 (Vocals enter)

(Riff P3)

(Riff P4)

Riff P6

(Riff P1)

Riff P7

(Riff P6)

Riff P8
  . . .  . . .  .

Riff P9
  . .         .       . . .                                    . . .

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