Standard Tuning, This song is really easy, and it sounds better with a Pick(or at least the beggining does) Whether or not this is correct doesnt matter, it sounds fine with the song, so rock on and go for it (This is the Verse, but on the intro play it with a pick or usign your two fingers going REALLY fast but just gently touching the string so it gets that soft sound) G---------------------------------------------------------- D---------------------------------------------------------- A3333333---------------------333333333--------------------- E-------555555511111113333333---------333333355555551111111 (Pre Chorus, and Chorus) G------------------ D------------------ A33-------33------- E--3311-11--3311-11 Thats more or les the whole song, theres no bass solo, its all following power chords, but for the bridge even though there really isnt a bass part you can do this: (Just play it until the bridge is over, holding each not for about four to three coutns) G---- D---- A3--- E-3-1