Metallica - Battery
                             Words and Music By: 
                        James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich
                          Album: Masters of Puppets
                            Tabbed by MudMunkey

h - hammer on                 
p - pull-off
/ - slide
^ - bend 
r - release bend
P.M. - palm mute
() - let note ring
t - triad (16th notes=t= 8th notes-t-) 
> - accented
x - dead note
~~~~~ - vibrato

Standard Tuning

tempo=75      All electric guitars have distortion

        Rhy. Fig. 1
gtr.1 |--------------------|---------------|--------------|----------------|

      Play w/Rhy. Fig 1   ~~~~~~~                 ~~~~                  ~~~
gtr.2 |-----------------------|-----------------------|--------------------|
       ~~~                ~~~~
      |-----------------------|     Play gtr.2 over gtr.3 with Rhy. Fig. 1 
      |-----------------------|     and the second time through add gtr.4

                          ~~~~~~~                 ~~~~                  ~~~
gtr.3 |---3-5-------3---5-----|---3-5----------5--3---|-3-5-----3-3h5p3----|
       ~~~                ~~~~

                          ~~~~~~~~                ~~~~~~                ~~~
gtr.4 |-------5-----------5---|-5-----5---3-----------|-----5-----------5--|
       ~~~                ~~~~
      |-----------------------|             Now it changes to electrics.
      |-----------------------|          All electrics play over each other.

Elec. |-----------------------|-----------------------|  
gtr.1 |-----------------------|-----------------------|
       >  P.M.---| >           > P.M-----| >                  
              ~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~         ~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~     ~~
Elec. |-----------------------|-----------------------|--------------------|
gtr.2 |-----------------------|-----------------------|*-------------------|
       ~~~         ~~~~   ~~~~ ~~~         ~~~~    ~~~
       |1.2._________________| |3.___________________|                     
              ~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~         ~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~     ~~        
Elec. |-----------------------|-----------------------|--------------------|
gtr.3 |---3-5-------3---5-----|---3-5----------5--3---|*(3)-3-5-----3--5---|
       ~~~         ~~~~   ~~~~ ~~~         ~~~~    ~~~
       |1.2._________________| |3.___________________|                     
              ~~~~~       ~~~~~~~~         ~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~     ~~
Elec. |---3-5-------3---5-----|---3-5----------5--3---|(3)-3-5------3--5---|
gtr.4 |-------5-----------5---|(5)----5----3----------|*-------5---------5-|

       ~~~         ~~~~~   ~~~ ~~~         ~~~~    ~~~
       |1.2._________________| |3.___________________|

       Riff A
Elec. |-----------------------|
gtr.1 |-----------------------|
  &   |---------4-------------|
gtr.2 |----2----4----5----4---|
tempo=190                       gtr.2 plays Rhy. Fig. 1 the first time 
                             and doubles gtr.1 second on the first 4 bars
Elec. |-----------------------------------|---------------------------------|
gtr.1 |*----------------------------------|---------------------------------|
        P.M.--------------|                 P.M.--------------|

            P.M.----------|                 P.M.           P.M.

Rhy.  |-----------------------------------|---------------------------------|
Fig.2 |-----------------------------------|---------------------------------|
plays |-----------------------------------|---------------------------------|
over  |----------------------8---8---7----|----------------------5---5---4--|
these |----------------------8---8---7----|----------------------7---7---5--|
4 bars|--0---0-0-0---0-0-0---6---6---5----|--0---0-0-0---0-0-0--------------|
        P.M.--------------|                 P.M.--------------|

       Rhy. Fig. 2

                                                   (gtrs. double)
       Rhy. Fig. 3                                  

      Play all over main riff
      Play Rhy. Fig. 2 for the first four bars starting with "Lashing out the action"

      Play Rhy. Fig. 2 for the for the four bars starting with "Hypnotizing power"

      Play Rhy. Fig. 3 starting with "smashing through the boundries"

      After that play Rhy. Fig. 2 for the first for bars which starts with the "y" in battery

      Then play Rhy. Fig. 3 starting with "Pounding out aggression"

      Then play Rhy. Fig. 2 but only the first two bars starting with the "y" in battery      

      "Cannot kill the family, battery has grounded"  
      |-----------------------|-----------------------|<-You need to add a beat to the third
      |--------------4--------|-----------------------|  bar of Rhy. Fig. 2 when it is played
      |----2---------4--------|----5----------5---4---|  two bars after "Cannot kill the family,
      |----2---------2--------|----5----------7---6---|  battery has grounded"

      Then play Rhy. Fig. 2 but only the first 3 bars starting with "me!" 
      |-----------------------------|     After that play Rhy. Fig. 2 but only the first 
      |-----------------------------|     3 bars and don't add that beat to the third bar
      |----------3----2----3--------|     After those 3 bars play Rhy. Fig. 4

         bat -ter - y
Rhy.  |-----------------------------|
Fig.4 |-----------------------------|

Fill  |-----12--17p12-15p12-14p12--12-17p12-15p12-|-14p12--12-17p12-15p12-14p12--12-17p12-15p12|
Solo  |-15^Full------------------15---------------|------15--------------------15--------------|
Fig. 3|-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------|

      |-14p12-------------------------------------|------------------| Play an E5 before the 
      |------14p12-14p12-------------14^half------|------------------| interlude for 2 bars

Rhy.  |-----------------------|--------------------|---------------------|---------------------|
gtr.1 |*----------------------|--------------------|---------------------|--------------------*|    
                                                                                        play x3
Lead  |-----------------------|--------------------|---------------------|---------------------|
gtr.2 |*----------------------|--------------------|---------------------|--------------------*|
       P.M.------------------------------------|     --t-- P.M.--------------------------|

Rhy.  |-----------------------|--------------------|---------|---------|-----------------------|
gtr.1 |-----------------------|--------------------|---------|---------|-----------------------|
Lead  |-----------------------|--------------------|---------|---------|-----------------------|
gtr.2 |-----------------------|--------------------|---------|---------|-----------------------|

Guitar Solo
Rhy.  |------------------------------|----------------------------------|
gtr.1 |------------------------------|----------------------------------|
       P.M.------------|              P.M.            P.M.
       w/wah wah
Lead  |------------------------------|----------------------------------|
gtr.2 |-14^Half-----14^Half--14^Half-|-14^Half-----14^Half-14-----------|
                              (end Rhy.Fig.5)
Rhy.  |--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|
gtr.1 |--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|
       P.M.-----------------|                 P.M.

Lead  |--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|
gtr.2 |--------------15p12-15-p-12--15--12---|-12h15p12----12h15p12----12--15^Full--|

     w/Rhy.Fig.5(3 bars)                              ~~~~
                                                Bb5    A5    A5     A5  A5 

     w/Rhy.Fig.5(3 bars)
       ==t== ==t== ==t==       ==t==       ==t== ==t== ==t==        ==t== ==t== ==t==
                                                          E(open6)B5      Bb5
       ==t== ==t== ==t== ==t== ==t== ==t== ==t=== ==t===  ===t=== ===t=== ===t===

      A5          G5    F5  w/Rhy.Fig.5(3 bars)
      ===t===                           ===t=== --t--- ---t----
        ---t---           P.M.---------------------------------------|
        Bb5  A5      A5      A5      A5     E5
                A.H.      ~~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~ A.H.

        G5                          A5                       F#5          ~~~~~~~~
                    ==t==           - - t - -   - - t - -     - - t - -
        E5          ~~~~~~~~          G5  ~~~~~~~          ~~~~~~~~~~~~
        A5                                                                 F#5
                    ---t----           ---t---   ---t--===== ===t====
                                          Play x4
         >    >    >    >    >    >         >       >                 P.M--|

                                             play 7x
         >    >    >    >       >    >    >    >       >    >    >    >

         >                    >  >    >    >    >     >

      There it is have fun > <

                        Copyright ? 1986 Creeping Death Music
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