Rythm - Distorted Guitar
Lead  - Whip out the wah pedal and crank up the distortion.

Tablature explanation :

/        = slide up
        = slide down
h        = hammer on
p        = pull off
fb       = full bend (whole step)
fb(r)    = full bend and relaese
hb       = half bend (half step)
~~~~~~   = vibrato (tremolo or with left hand)
x        = Muted string string

Tab is in form - James on top, Kirk below.

 Intro : 6x

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W/ Wah - Listen to recording, he does it twice. At 0:07 and 0:16


Play this Twice

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Play this twice

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Play this 4 times.	

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Main Riff : play twice

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Verse Riff
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Pre chorus.

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|-----------------------------Gradually Bend----------12/--|

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Pre chorus.
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Note : This tab for the solo is greatly inspired by the original
tab of the solo, and many thanks to the author of that tab. It
Was quite accurate but wrong in a couple of places, basiclly here
I changed it to be as close as possible to Kirk.

For the solo, James plays the main riff twice, then his part of
the prechorus, and his part of the chorus. Its amazing how well
the solo fits in.


Rock back and forth on pedal       






			      Lots of wah. Treble on all notes in 
			      16th fret. Bass on 14th.(toe up)


                        Note : Slowly release bend while tremelo picking.





    Wah off.      Dip bar and release on each stroke.

Back to the usual tab form.

Play 4x

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Repeat and fade.

For a Big ending while plaing it Live just do this:

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Those extra spaces are there for a reason :-)

My mate helped me with this one, if you ask for help, i cant really help you. sorry.
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