C F? C C/B Am7 F? E7 A9 D9
When somebody loves you it's no good unless he loves you all the way,
G C? Dm7 G7 G/B E? G7
Happy to be near you when you need someone to cheer you,
C9 C Gm7 C7
All the way.
F G Bm7(b5)
Taller than the tallest tree is --
E7 Am (V) G#m (IV) Cm7(b5)
That's how it's got to feel.
F G7 G?
Deeper than the deep blue sea is --
Am Am7 D7 Dm7(b5) G7
That's how deep it goes, if its real.
C F? C C/B Am7 F? E7 A9 D9
When somebody needs you it's no good unless he needs you all the way;
G C? Dm7 G7 G/B E? G7
Through the good or lean years and for all the in between years,
C9 C Gm7 C7
Come what may.
F G Bm7(b5)
Who know where the road will lead us?
E E7 Am
Only a fool would say
Fm C Am C C/B Em A7
But if you'll let me love you it's for sure I'm gonna love you
F G Em7 A7 Dm7 G7 C
All the way, all the way.