Capo 7th fret Chords are relative to capo. E7: 020000 Cadd9: 032000 D:000232 A:001000 G:320000 Intro: E7 Cadd9 E7 (020130@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) E7 (020130@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1)Your back curves like a creeping vine E7 (020130@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) D (xx0232@1) Awith (x02220@1)the answers in the fluid in the stem of the spine E7 (020130@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) E7 (020130@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1)In the black-coffee bowl of your eye E7 (020130@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) D (xx0232@1) Awhy (x02220@1)do you overestimate the size of the lie? D (xx0232@1) AI've (x02220@1)seen Cadd9 (x32030@1) Gthe (320003@1)dangers of E (022100@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) Gyour (320003@1)rising sign G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) but i swear A Cadd9 i'd like G (320003@1) E (022100@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) G (320003@1) Dto (xx0232@1)drink the fuel straight from your lighter D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x02220@1">A Cadd9 (x32030@1) Git's (320003@1)all inside the wrist, it's E (022100@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) G (320003@1) Dall (xx0232@1)inside the way you time it A (x02220@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) G (320003@1) E (022100@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) Gi (320003@1)resent the way you make me like myself My nerves jump like a boiling pan like a skillet full of oil spits, rattling on the burner when i stumble onto the thought of the match you lit and dropped and set the dial to slow yearn i've seen the dangers of your rising sign but i swear i'd like to drink the fuel straight from your lighter it's all inside the wrist, it's all inside the way you time it i resent the way you make me like myself can i spell it out? should i spell it out? i've seen the dangers of your rising sign but i swear i'd like to drink the fuel straight from your lighter it's all inside the wrist, it's all inside the way you time it i resent the way you make me like myself