tuned half step down
Chords: G, C, D, Bm


                 let ring

This starts at 00:17

                   let ring

this starts at 00:40



This starts at 01:02






NO guitar play from 01:41 to 01:52

This starts at 01:53


continues here



Ask GSOSBand for his solos cause I couldn't get his solos subscribe at his page or 
message/beg him for the solos
I'll just do the ending instead....sorry



(Note: I only put spaces on it, it is continious like the first one... if I didnt put 
the spaces it would  look like this:

(|-10101010---|) <----|
(|-10101010---|) <----|
(|-8888-------|) <----| disregard this!!


repeat the chorus tabs for the end....
as for the solo in the end Ask GSOSBand for it.....

thanks  for viewing!
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