• Song:

    Gentaro Satomura - Neo Classical Sweep

  • Artist:

    Misc Unsigned Bands

**A few updates made July 2010**

Let me know via youtube account (youtube.com/user/Guitarzoink) if you have comments, 
or suggestions. Feel free to ignore the music theory stuff I added, but it’s good to 
the songs you play.

**Intro fixed!**




|----------------------------------------------------| X4

Alternate Picking Fun!


**Updated Run**

||D Aeolian; Bb Lydian; C Major Arpeggio; F Ionian and G Harmonic Minor||




||Last line=A Phrygian Dominant, resolves to Bb||



***Updated run***






a.k.a. The part everyone wants to learn.



|-------------------------------------------------|  X2




[Insert intro arpeggios here]

Harmonic Minor diddly:
(again, following Canon), E harmonic minor switching into two modes of A harmonic minor:
 E Phrygian dominant and B Locrian 6







String skipping:





(He likes Phrygian):


***Updated Run***








Repeat once





Repeat once:
*End here on 15 second time (don’t go back up arp)

Thanks to NeoClassicalFan for noting my typo and mistake in arpeggio section!

[Insert intro arpeggios here for the outro]

Good Luck!
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