Song: Bricks and Mortars Band: Moving Units Album: Dangerous Dreams Listen to the song to get an idea of how many times to play each of these and all the little things i missed g|------------------------------ d|----6--4--3--4----6--4-------- a|-----6-------------6----/2-2-- e|4-4------1--2--4-4------------ Verse g|-----------------------/4-4--- d|----6--4--3--4----6--4-------- a|-----6-------------6---------- e|4-4------1--2--4-4------------ g|------------------------------ d|-6--------4-6--------4-6------ a|------4-6--------4-6---------- e|---4----------4----------4---- Chorus g|------------------------------ d|-6--------4-6--------4-6------ a|------4-6--------4-6---------- e|---4----------4----------4---- Like many moving units songs, this sounds pretty cool and isnt actually that hard If this is wrong (and it might be because this is my first tab) make one that is better so i can learn it right. Ryan (sorry about the first version of this tab, it was so wrong, but i fixed it)