• Song:


  • Artist:

    Nada Surf

 																																													Weightless Tab									by Nada Surf tabs |											tabbed by wilco535 | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																									More versions:																									intros																																																																																																							 																						 																																																																Ver 1																																																																																																		 																																																																																																																																																						Recommended tabs																																																											If you like Weightless Tab by Nada Surf you might also like these songs:																									Weightless Tabby All Time Low																									Paint It Black Chordsby Rolling Stones																									In Your Atmosphere Tabby John Mayer																																																																																																																																Weightless Lyricsby Nada Surf Lyrics																						Weightless Tabat 911Tabs.com																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											Weightless tab by Nada Surf, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to Weightless																																														Add to favourites																																																																				Difficulty: novice																																																																																			tf_artist = "Nada Surf";											tf_song = "Weightless";																																																												Hey,

I know there is a perfectly good tab for this on here but after watching an
 acoustic version I thought I'd post up this more accurate (at least how its
 played by Matthew on the live version I watched) version up. Enjoy :)

Tuning: Standard w/ capo on 3rd fret

Intro/Chorus riff - (tab relative to nut - when strumming this part dont be
 afraid to hit the open strings as well, Im not 100% whether Matthew does
 this but it sounds pretty sweet)

E|---11-11---11--11---6-6---6--6---3-3---3--3---101010-8 8 8--|

Transition riff into verse and once halfway through intro/chorus - (sliding


Slower part - (tab relative to capo - if you listen to the record Matthew
 just strums each chord once which is how Ive written it but if playing solo
 acoustic it may work better with additional strums) (pps. Ive also written
 this part relative to the capo instead of the nut just so the chords make
 more sense)


Pretty much do it all over again and thats the song :)

Hope you like my first tab - enjoy!																																															Weightless Lyrics																																																	tf_artist = "Nada Surf";											tf_song = "Weightless";																															         																																																																																																		

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