Amazing, haunting song from Nathaniel's In Memory Of Loss album


Bm (x24432@1)Verse 1

He's a manic boy

GLooks (320003@1)a lot like me

EmLooks (022000@1)a lot like me

BmAnd (x24432@1)he shares the blame

Verse 2

With a younger face

GIt's (320003@1)hard and rushed to see

EmAnd (022000@1)it's hard for us to see

BmBut (x24432@1)I can tell

Verse 3

Is it cold enough

GDoes (320003@1)it chatter your teeth

EmAnd (022000@1)the wind won't set you free

BmAnd (x24432@1)it never has

Change and out
        D (xx0232@1) F# (244322@1)    Bm (x24432@1)name="chord_244322@1">F#
Like an old time re-vi-val

G (320003@1)   AShake (x02220@1)your hands

BmAnd (x24432@1)shake your hips

D (xx0232@1) F# (244322@1)name="chord_x24432@1">Bm   F#But (244322@1)u-pon my honour

G (320003@1)   ALet (x02220@1)me stand bare

BmWith (x24432@1)just two fist


I hope I've done it justice!

Kevin O'Brien
May 2011

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