CAPO on 2!


C#m (x13321@4)      A (x02220@1)Gotta change my answering machine
 E (022100@1)         BNow (x2444x@1)that I'm alone
          C#m (x13321@4)            ACuz (x02220@1)right now it says that we
  E (022100@1)               BCan't (x2444x@1)come to the phone
       C#m (x13321@4)            AAnd (x02220@1)I know it makes no sense
 E (022100@1)                    BCuz (x2444x@1)you walked out the door
              ABut (x02220@1)it's the only way I hear your voice anymore


C#m (x13321@4)       A(it's (x02220@1)ridiculous)
            EIt's (022100@1)been months
             BAnd (x2444x@1)for some reason I just
 C#m (x13321@4)          A(can't (x02220@1)get over us)
          E (022100@1)          BAnd (x2444x@1)I'm stronger then this
 C#m (x13321@4)        A(enough (x02220@1)is enough)
         ENo (022100@1)more walkin round
      BWith (x2444x@1)my head down
 AI'm (x02220@1)so over being blue - cryin over you


C#m (x13321@4)        AAnd (x02220@1)I'm so sick of love songs
 E (022100@1)          BSo (x2444x@1)tired of tears
C#m (x13321@4)          A (x02220@1)   
So done with wishing
 E (022100@1)            BYou (x2444x@1)were still here
         C#m (x13321@4)       ASaid (x02220@1)I'm so sick of love songs
 E (022100@1)        BSo (x2444x@1)sad and slow
    ASo (x02220@1)why can't I turn off the radio?


C#m (x13321@4)       AGotta (x02220@1)fix that calender I have
  E (022100@1)               BThat's (x2444x@1)marked July 15th
          C#m (x13321@4)                ABecause (x02220@1)since there's no more you
         E (022100@1)      BThere's (x2444x@1)no more anniversary
        C#m (x13321@4)                      AI'm (x02220@1)so fed up with my thoughts of you
 E (022100@1)       BAnd (x2444x@1)your memory
          AAnd (x02220@1)how every song reminds me of what used to be

                      C#m (x13321@4)        AThat's (x02220@1)the reason I'm so sick of love songs
 E (022100@1)          BSo (x2444x@1)tired of tears
C#m (x13321@4)          A (x02220@1)   
So done with wishing
 E (022100@1)            BYou (x2444x@1)were still here
         C#m (x13321@4)       ASaid (x02220@1)I'm so sick of love songs
 E (022100@1)        BSo (x2444x@1)sad and slow
    ASo (x02220@1)why can't I turn off the radio?


B (x2444x@1)      A(Leave (x02220@1)me alone)
Leave me alone
  B (x2444x@1)         A(Stupid (x02220@1)love songs)
              B (x2444x@1)             
Dont make me think about her smile
    AOr (x02220@1)having my first child
       BLet (x2444x@1)it go
         ATurning (x02220@1)off the radio


C#m (x13321@4)       ACuz (x02220@1)I'm so sick of love songs
 E (022100@1)          BSo (x2444x@1)tired of tears
C#m (x13321@4)          A (x02220@1)   
So done with wishing
 E (022100@1)            BShe (x2444x@1)was still here
         C#m (x13321@4)       ASaid (x02220@1)I'm so sick of love songs
 E (022100@1)        BSo (x2444x@1)sad and slow
    ASo (x02220@1)why can't I turn off the radio?

2x CHORUS after this!

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