Capo on 6th fret! Intro Part: E[--------------------------------] B[---1--0-------------------------] G[--------0-----------------------] D[------------2----------0-2-0----] A[---------------3---3------------] E[--------------------------------] Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) CGotta (x32010@1)change my answering machine GNow (320003@1)that I'm alone Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) CCuz (x32010@1)right now it says that we GCan't (320003@1)come to the phone Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) CAnd (x32010@1)I know it makes no sense GCuz (320003@1)you walked out the door F? (133211@1)But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore Am (x02210@1) F(it's (133211@1)ridiculous) CIt's (x32010@1)been months G (320003@1) And for some reason I just Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) (can't get over us) C (x32010@1) GAnd (320003@1)I'm stronger then this Am (x02210@1) F(enough (133211@1)is enough) C (x32010@1) No more walkin round GWith (320003@1)my head down Am (x02210@1) FI'm (133211@1)so over being blue C (x32010@1) GCryin (320003@1)over you Am (x02210@1) FAnd (133211@1)I'm so sick of love songs C (x32010@1) GSo (320003@1)tired of tears Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) GSo (320003@1)done with wishing you were still here Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) GSaid (320003@1)I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow F? (133211@1)So why can't I turn off the radio? Am (x02210@1) FGotta (133211@1)fix that calender I have C (x32010@1) GThat's (320003@1)marked July 15th Am (x02210@1) FBecause (133211@1)since there's no more you C (x32010@1) GThere's (320003@1)no more anniversary ... Just keep going like this :) I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you And your memory And how every song reminds me Of what used to be That's the reason I'm so sick of love songs So tired of tears So done with wishing you were still here Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow So why can't I turn off the radio? (Leave me alone) Leave me alone (Stupid love songs) Dont make me think about her smile Or having my first child Let it go Turning off the radio Cuz I'm so sick of love songs So tired of tears So done with wishing she was still here Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow So why can't I turn off the radio? (why can't I turn off the radio?) Said I'm so sick of love songs So tired of tears So done with wishing she was still here Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow So why can't I turn off the radio? (why can't I turn off the radio?) And I'm so sick of love songs So tired of tears So done with wishin you were still here Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow Why can't I turn off the radio? (why can't I turn off the radio?) Why can't I turn off the radio? Learn to play "Ne-yo" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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