• Song:

    It Lives In The Woods

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Black Blood Vomitorium

Band:  (Necrophagia)
Album: (Black Bllod Vomitorium)
Song:  (It lives in the woods)

Copyright (c)  (RED STREAM RECORDS) (2000)
Version 1.0 - (2000)

Transcribed By: (Aaron AKA englundisgod)
Email:          (goosebumps.fan@hotmail.com)

.  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
h (x2444x@1)- hammer on           b (x24432@1)- Bend
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
t  - tap                 f (133111@1)- full bend    h- (x2444x@1)half bend
ph - pinched harmonic    q  - quarter bend t - tap bend
*  - see comment         ^  - Hold bend    r release bend
x  - Stuccatto           ~  - vibrato bend
,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo note         - Trill

Tuning C G D G A D

This was again learned by ear, And small parts from watching 
rehearsal sessions

0:00 - 0:26
|-------------Song starts with evil dead intro----------------------|

|-------------hold eleventh fret until feedback---------------------|

 0:35   INTRO  x 8
|-----------trem pick-----------------------------------------------|

 0:56   VERSE x 4

 1:10  INTRO RIFF  x 4
|-----------trem pick-----------------------------------------------|

 1:21  VERSE x 4

1:35   INTRO RIFF  x 4
|-----------trem pick-----------------------------------------------|

 1:46   BREAK  x 4
|-------OPEN NOTES ALT PICKED (NOT DOWN PICKED)---------------------|
      .....                .....                
       PM                   PM                   

 1:57   INTRO RIFF  x 3
|-----------trem pick-----------------------------------------------|

 2:05   CTND.
|-----------trem pick-----------------------------------------------|

 2:21   DRUM BREAK

 2:30   INTERLUDE x 4
|--------------(OPEN NOTES-DOWN-PICKED)-----------------------------|
            . . . .           . . . .
             P M               P M

 2:42   CNTD  x   2
  .................  . .     .................  . .
       ALL PM        PM           ALL PM        PM

 2:58   INTERLUDE # 2
|--8-HOLD AND RING UNTIL FEEBACK------------------------------------|

 3:09   Intro riff 4x
|-----------trem pick-----------------------------------------------|

This song is pretty repetitive, so I added timing to the riffs.
If anyone has comments or corrections dont hesitate and enjoy

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