|Bb|F|C|Dm C|
|Bb|F|C| |

|D5|C5|G5| |
You, you got your head in a scream,
And I'm, I'm trying to get your attention
You appear as a child put your heart on a seam,
But you're acting exactly as you do in my dreams
I said you; you are not what you seam And you're finding out that

|Bb|F|C|Dm C|
Falling down can feel strange
No one remembers your name,
You're loosing the game
That the thing about trust
It's always the same
Sad story again
You lose all your friends
That the thing about trust

You, you got your head in a swing
Ya, I, I am trying to give you salvation
You appear as a devil
Like a wolf in the woods
But your acting exactly as we excepting you would
I said you; you read the words that I sing, as a shot to the [?]

Falling down can feel strange
No one remembers your name,
You're loosing the game
That the thing about trust
It's always the same
Sad story again
You lose all your friends
That the thing about trust

|Dm| | |Bb|
Don't lie to me when the pressures on, you gotta have trust
|Dm| |C|Bb|
Don't lie to me when the pressures on, you gotta have trust
|Dm| | |Bb|
Don't lie to me when the pressures on, you gotta have trust
|Dm| |F C|Bb|
Don't lie to me when the pressures on, i said you gotta have trust

|Bb|F|C|Dm C|
Don't give up x4

|Bb|F|C|Dm C|
Falling down can feel strange
No one remembers your name,
You're losing the game
That the thing about trust
It's always the same
Sad story again
You lose all your friends
That the thing about trust 
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        var tab_info             = {
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