BAND: The Nerve Agents SONG: But I Might Die Tonight ALBUM: The Butterfly Collection TABBED BY: Chris Hartman INTRO: G----------| D------4---| A-66646-64-| E----------| play that a bunch of times, then hit an A# (sixth fret on the E string) and let it ring VERSE: G------------------------| D------------------------| A-*-*------5566----4433--| E-6-7--6666----4444------| only play the * notes on the first time through VERSE 1 ENDING: G----------| D----------| A-4-4-4-4--| E--4-4-4-4-| CHORUS: G------------------|---end----| D-----5566----4433-|----------| A-6666----4444-----|-9-9-9-9--| E------------------|--9-9-9-9-| The second verse is all the same notes, just played on one string instead of two Beyond that, it's pretty much just variations On the verse and chorus until the end.