• Song:

    Inside Four Walls

  • Artist:


..  - palm mute          /  - slide up to
 \  - slide down to      ~  - vibrato
 h  - hammer on          b  - bend
 p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
                          ph - pinch harmonic
                           f - full bend    h - half bend
r - release                 t - tap bend
X  - percussion mute       ~ - vibrato bend
() - ghost note, sustained note
                           n.h - natural harmonics

7-string tuned down 1/2 step

Intro Sequence




First Ending

Second Ending

         .         .                                 . .    .


Chorus1 (2 guitars)You play 16th notes starting with a ascending/descending
note from the pattern before ex: 4555555555555555 then 5444444444444444

|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |  x2
|Ambient notes almost unhearable(neck pickup)                         |

|------------------------------------------------------------------:| x2

Then Play verse

Chorus 2

|---------------------------------------------------------------:| x2

Solo I (played over verse) 1:51 



|-------19h22----------22p19h22-------slow bend------------------------|

Play Verse
Play Chorus 2
Play intro

Solo II 

Part1 Rhythm
       . .                     . .

|-----------------------------------------------:| x2
                               . .

Part2 Rhythm



Part1 Lead (played over part1 rhythm)
            .   .  .   .  .   .           





Part2 Lead (played over part2 rhythm)





Play verse without harmonics
Play Chorus2
Play Intro Ending with a low B
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