DAre (xx0232@1)you open, to open arms?
DMisdirection (xx0232@1)does little harm
G (320003@1)                  EmI (022000@1)won't ask, you won't tell
DJust (xx0232@1)come around

DMissed (xx0232@1)discussions of virtues and
DComplications (xx0232@1)with cash in hand
 G (320003@1)             EmI (022000@1)won't ask, you won't tell
  DJust (xx0232@1)come around

G (320003@1)      EmMy (022000@1)angel flies
D (xx0232@1)           GCarries (320003@1)all my fears
Em (022000@1)        AAngel (x02220@1)don't die
        DFor (xx0232@1)four more years

DAre (xx0232@1)you waiting for me to say
DThat (xx0232@1)I made all the same mistakes
  G (320003@1)            EmI (022000@1)won't ask, you won't tell
DJust (xx0232@1)come around

G (320003@1)      EmMy (022000@1)angel flies
D (xx0232@1)           GCarries (320003@1)all my fears
Em (022000@1)        AAngel (x02220@1)don't die
        DFor (xx0232@1)four more years

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