Flowers - New Radicals Tabbed by: pousweden Written by: Gregg Alexander Intro/Verse E|--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| B|--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| G|--4--6--4--6--6--8--1--| 6x D|--4--6--6--7--7--9--2--| A|--2--4--6--7--7--9--2--| E|--------------------0--| Bridge E|-----------| B|-----------| G|--2--6--8--| D|--4--7--9--| A|--4--7--9--| E|--2--5--7--| Chorus E|--0--------------0--| B|--0--------5--7--0--| G|--1--8--4--6--7--2--| 3x D|--2--9--6--6--7--2--| A|--2--9--6--4--5--0--| E|--0--7--4-----------| Verse E|--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| B|--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| G|--4--6--4--6--6--8--1--| 6x D|--4--6--6--7--7--9--2--| A|--2--4--6--7--7--9--2--| E|--------------------0--| Bridge E|-----------| B|-----------| G|--2--6--8--| D|--4--7--9--| A|--4--7--9--| E|--2--5--7--| Chorus E|--0--------------0--| B|--0--------5--7--0--| G|--1--8--4--6--7--2--| 3x D|--2--9--6--6--7--2--| A|--2--9--6--4--5--0--| E|--0--7--4-----------| E|--0--0--0--0--| B|--0--0--0--2--| G|--1--4--6--2--| 3x D|--2--4--6--2--| A|--2--2--4--0--| E|--0-----------| E|--0--0--0~--0~--| B|--0--0--5~--2~--| G|--1--4--6~--2~--| 1x D|--2--4--6~--2~--| A|--2--2--4~--0~--| E|--0-------------| E|--0--0--0--0--| B|--0--0--0--2--| G|--1--4--6--2--| 3x D|--2--4--6--2--| A|--2--2--4--0--| E|--0-----------| E|--0--0--0~--0~--| B|--0--0--5~--2~--| G|--1--4--6~--2~--| 1x D|--2--4--6~--2~--| A|--2--2--4~--0~--| E|--0-------------| E|--0--------------0--| B|--0--------5--7--0--| G|--1--8--4--6--7--2--| 2x D|--2--9--6--6--7--2--| A|--2--9--6--4--5--0--| E|--0--7--4-----------| end on.. E|--0-- B|--0-- G|--1-- D|--2-- A|--2-- E|--0-- Lyrics: It's nine to seven Why aren't things wild? You said you was a flower child I can respect your soul searching But now's no time for questioning I'm sure you've been misled before And once you'd trust they'd slam the door But I'm everything I've claimed to be You just need vodka and honesty Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? My love is real As real as the flowers You smoke to get high My love is real As real as our god who has spoken on how we can fly My love is real As real as the flowers, flower, flowers, flowers You're 22, why aren't you free? You're mom and daddy's victory Your soul that's lived a thousand lives Don't hide behind a child's eyes Yeh, I'm sure you've been misled before How once you'd trust they'd slam the door But I'm everything I've claimed to be You just need vodka and honesty Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? My love is real, As real as the flowers, you smoke to get high My love is real As real as our god who has spoken on how we can fly My love is real as real as the flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers I love you, you hate me I took math class that ain't fair exchange I call you, you hang up You don't have to be a bitch and get your number changed! I'm sorry, forgive me I never meant to call you those names But I'm lonely, so lonely, please! Ow! I love you, you hate me I took math class that ain't fair exchange I call you, you hang up You don't have to be a bitch and get your number changed! I'm sorry, forgive me I never meant to call you those names But I'm lonely, so lonely, please! Just know that, My love is real As real as the flower you smoke to get high My love is real As real as our god who has spoken on how we can fly Can't play "Flowers"? Improve your playing via easy step-by-step video lessons! UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! 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