• Song:

    Switch Vs Evil-dog Round 1

  • Artist:


umm yea this song is like the ultimate punk rock song everrr
besides "Hell Song" but this is a close 2nd.

///// - pick slide
x - ghost note
PM - palm mute
~ vibrato
/ - slide
b - bend

song starts out like

]-9-x-x-x-x-7-x-x-x-x-7----------------------------| x2


]---------------------------------------------------------|  \
]-9--11--12--11--9--7-7-----------------------------------|   \
]-------------------------7----2---0--2-------------------|    \
]-7--9---10--9---7--5-5---7-------------------------------|     \
]-------------------------5-------------------------------|      \
                                                          )x 4
]---------------------------------------------------------|      /
]---------------------------------------------------------|     /
]-9--11--12--11--9--7-7-----------------------------------|    /
]-------------------------7-7-7-7-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-4---------|   /
]-7--9---10--9---7--5-5-----------------------------------|  /

but on the last time do this


then this is kinda verse 1... i think













then again..


then repeat the first part again and then after the 2nd chords play


then i guess this is the bridge or what not.
]-------------------------------------------------------| \
]-12-12-12-11-11-11-9-9-9---------9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-------|  \
]-12-12-12-11-11-11-9-9-9---------9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-- ----| x3
]-10-10-10-9--9--9--7-7-7--10-9-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-------|  /
]-------------------------------------------------------| /

then on the last one

then the breakout








and yea... there u go...
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