My first tab, this is how I play it and it sounds accurate to me! I love this song, enjoy! NO CAPO CHORUS C (x32010@1) Pills and potions Dm (xx0231@1) We're overdosing Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) I'm angry but I still love you C (x32010@1) Pills and potions Dm (xx0231@1) We're overdosing Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) Can't stand it, but I still love you C (x32010@1) I still love, I still love I still love, I still love Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) I still lo-o-ove, I still love I still love, I still love F (133211@1) I still love, I still love C (x32010@1) I still love, I still love I still love, I still love Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) I still lo-o-ove, I still love I still love, I still love F (133211@1) I still love, I still love C Dm Am F Ayo they could never make me hate you Even though what you was doing wasn't tasteful Even though you out here looking so ungrateful Imma a keep it moving, be classy and graceful I told 'em it's no friends in the game You ain't learned that yet All the bridges you came over, don't burn that yet Niggas want respect, but niggas ain't earned that yet Self-righteous, and entitled But they swearing on the Bible that they love you When really they're no different from all your rivals But I still don't wish death on them, I just reflect on them CHORUS C (x32010@1) Pills and potions Dm (xx0231@1) We're overdosing Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) I'm angry but I still love you C (x32010@1) Pills and potions Dm (xx0231@1) We're overdosing Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) Can't stand it, but I still love you C (x32010@1) I still love, I still love I still love, I still love Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) I still lo-o-ove, I still love I still love, I still love F (133211@1) I still love, I still love C (x32010@1) I still love, I still love I still love, I still love Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) I still lo-o-ove, I still love I still love, I still love F (133211@1) I still love, I still love C Dm Am F Yo, people will love you and support you when it's beneficial Imma forgive, I won't forget, but Imma dead the issue Soon as you out the nigga's lives is when they start to miss you They see you doing good now it's kinda hard to diss you Niggas be sick when they remember all the bad they wished you Niggas be mad when they can't come and live lavish with you But I sped off in a Benzy, I see the envy when I'm causing a frenzy So I pop pills for them, cop cribs in the Hills on 'em CHORUS C (x32010@1) Pills and potions Dm (xx0231@1) We're overdosing Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) I'm angry but I still love you C (x32010@1) Pills and potions Dm (xx0231@1) We're overdosing Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) Can't stand it, but I still love you C (x32010@1) I still love, I still love I still love, I still love Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) I still lo-o-ove, I still love I still love, I still love F (133211@1) I still love, I still love C (x32010@1) I still love, I still love I still love, I still love Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) I still lo-o-ove, I still love I still love, I still love F (133211@1) I still love, I still love Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) I get high off your memory C (x32010@1) Dm (xx0231@1) I get high off your memory Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) I get high off your memory C (x32010@1) Dm (xx0231@1) In due time, we'll be fine Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) In due time... C (x32010@1) I still love, I still love I still love, I still love Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) I still lo-o-ove, I still love I still love, I still love F (133211@1) I still love, I still love C (x32010@1) I still love, I still love I still love, I still love Dm (xx0231@1) Am (x02210@1) I still lo-o-ove, I still love I still love, I still love F (133211@1) I still love, I still love /* Ultimate-Guitar - Tab Pages */ (function() { var opts = { artist: "Nicki Minaj", song: "Pills And Potions", genre: "", adunit_id: 39382312, div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)), hostname: "" }; document.write('');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(;else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.async=!0;r.src="//"+opts.hostname+"/showads/showad.js";r.readyState?r.onreadystatechange=function(){if("loaded"==r.readyState||"complete"==r.readyState)r.onreadystatechange=null,c()}:r.onload=c;s.parentNode.insertBefore(r,s)}; })(); UG plus: remove banner comments print report bad tab I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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