• Song:

    Alles Gute Zum Geburtstag Happy Birthday

  • Artist:

    Nikita Koshkin

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! ("Happy Birthday") - Nikita Koshkin
(Variations on the Happy Birthday theme)

as recorded by Nikita Koshkin
transcribed by Jordan Astridge, August 2004

h - hammer-on
 - natural harmonic on 12th fret
p - pull-off
> - accented note
^ - arpeggio
S - slide
~ - vibrato
__3__ - triplet
/.\ - fermata

Tabbed espec. for Weed's tab site. MIDI is avail, but not 100% accurate to 
this tab, as I have made minor alterations to this tab after creating it in
PowerTab Editor, due to the limitations of the program. (Crappy support for
gradual tempo changes and no proper support for gradual volume changes, also
no pizz. available and the fermata doesn't work. But I tried)

tuning - E A D G B E



  mp dolce


      cresc.                                     f (133111@1)|-7---------|-7--------|-0--------|-------7----------|

  p   poco cresc.

  mf                                             dim.

>                           > 

  f subito


  dim.             cresc.                f (133111@1)|-^12--8--0--|-5------6--5---|-^10--7--3--|-2------3--2---|
                                 dim.       mf

                   dim.                          cresc.

__3__ __3__                           ___3__ ___3__ __3__


                                  cresc.    f (133111@1)rall.                   pizz.....................|
                   mp           p

Adagio             rit.  /.\   Vivo
      mf dolce             \./   f (133111@1)   cresc.

             cresc.      ff

>                      >          >         >

>   sff                                 sul pont.
     subito                                  pp

|  mp [see notes below]          ||

Fret the 8th, and strike with right hand on the left of the fretted note.
It results in an e.

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