Artist:NOFX Song: It?s my job to keep the punk rock elite How good is the song: Pretty f**king good ================================================== C5 A#ii A#5 F#5 G#5 D#5 B5 e|----------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------| G|-5---15------------10----------8-----4--| D|-5---15------8-----10----6-----8-----4--| A|-3---13------8------8----6-----6-----2--| E|-------------6-----------4--------------| -=intro=- C5 -=pre verse=- C5 A#ii A#5 F#5 -=verse=- C5 F#5 G#5 D#5 C5 G#5 B5 D#5 -=pre solo=- C5 (rest) C5 (rest) C5 (rest w/feedback) -=solo=- (sorry to split this up, but my email sucks) D|-6-6--6-5-5--5-3-3--3-----------------------| then, A|-6-6--6-5-5--5-3-3--3--------8-8--8-7-------| then, E|-6-6--6-------------------------------------| -=solo backing=- G#5 A#5 C5 -=song summary=- INTRO PRE VERSE VERSE indiscriminate, i'd rather be elite i'll choose my own s**t scene unsubstantiated rumours flown are true i'm here for me not you PRE VERSE VERSE nonconglumurate, i mean what i say i'm not your f**king scape goat apparently i've alienated some it seems my job's half done PRE SOLO you'll never understand it try to buy and brand it i win, you lose, cuz it's my job to keep punk rock elite SOLO SOLO BACKING this music ain't your f**king industry ==================================== That?s all folks Have fun with this tab it took me forever!!!!!! And please rate it! alex