Wonder wall-Oasis bass tabs    
This was done by Jeremy Ball(nfabbro@mag-net.com)
He had the right idea but this tab I assure you this is as close as most 
can get to the real thing.
Standard tuning, 44 common time

No bass 1st verse 
2nd verse




|--5--5--5--5---------------------------------------------------------------------|  |-------------------2--2--2--2-------5--5--5--5---------2--2--2--2------------------|
x4 or so

|-------------------------------------------------------------| do all again the same
|--------------------------------------------------------------|  play chorus till 
|--5--5--5--5------------------------------------------------|  end and let ring   
|-----------------2--2--2--2----5--5--4--4--2let ring-----|   
 then this at very end    E |------27---------------|
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