C, (G)
C, (G)

C (x32010@1)you love the smell of petrol but prefer the smell of wine
G (320003@1)      C (x32010@1)                                                         
i think we've nothing else in common but we get along just fine
G (320003@1)                 C, GWe (320003@1)wouldn't know

C (x32010@1)                                            
i'll get up extra early coat my eyelashes in black
G (320003@1)      Ci (x32010@1)will strum on my guitar and i will try to win you back
             G (320003@1)we wouldn't know
             F (133211@1)                              GWe (320003@1)wouldn't knooow love if it slapped us in the face

AmYou (x02210@1)turn to me
FI (133211@1)turn to you
C (x32010@1)                             GNeither (320003@1)of us fools have got a clue
Amlike (x02210@1)it or not
Fyou're (133211@1)on the brain
C (x32010@1)                       
so i'm hoping this does not go down 
G (320003@1)                                    C, Ghoping (320003@1)this does not go down the drain

Cyou (x32010@1)never know quite what to say to me
and i see your head shake
G (320003@1)       Ci (x32010@1)guess you've never been the brightest candle on the cake
G (320003@1)                 C, Gbut (320003@1)I wouldn't know

C (x32010@1)                                                      
you're with me every morning drinking coffee making toast
G (320003@1)           CI (x32010@1)guess I'm worried that you will not be there when I need you most
GWe (320003@1)wouldn't know
             F (133211@1)                              GWe (320003@1)wouldn't knooow love if it slapped us in the face
AmYou (x02210@1)turn to me
FI (133211@1)turn to you
C (x32010@1)                             GNeither (320003@1)of us fools have got a clue
Amlike (x02210@1)it or not
Fyou're (133211@1)on the brain 
C (x32010@1)                                 
so i'm hoping this does not go down
G (320003@1)                                     C,G, Choping (x32010@1)this does not go down the drain

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