• Song:


  • Artist:

    Our Lady Peace

  • Album:

    Happiness Is Not A Fish...

"Thief" by Our Lady Peace
From the album: "Happiness is not a fish that you can catch"
Guitar 1 Tuning: Half step down - Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb 
Guitar 2 Tuning: Same, but low Eb drops to Db
tabbed by jjhand with some help from Bubblemonkey's initial tab

This song is one of the most melodic off of their 'Happiness' CD. 
Very original and great vocals! Hope you like it. Please rate/comment.

INTRO - Guitar 1 clean with light delay, play lightly

  Dbsus2                                 Gmaj7 

VERSE 1 - guitar 1

    "I don't wanna understand   this horror"

     "There's a weight in your eyes, I can admit"

      "Everybody ends up here,  In bottles"

        "But the name tag's the last thing, you wanted"

PRECHORUS - Part 1, play 2x

High part (Guitar 2 with dist & amp tremelo):
| Guitar 1

1. "As  the  world  explodes,  we  fall  out  of  it"
2. "And  we  can't  let  go       Because  this"

Part 2,  Guitar 2 w/ tremelo (doubled similarly by distorted Guitar 1):

  Bbm        Ab           Ebm 

"Will  not  go,       away..."

Part 3, Guitar 1                                         
|Guitar 2 (tremelo)
 "There's a house   built out in space...                  And"


  Em add2       C add2         D           G
| Guitar 2 (Drop-Db)
"I can't see the  thief that lives inside of your head, but"

Em add2         C add2         G             D
| Guitar 2 (Drop-Db)
"I can be some courage at the side of your bed,         and"

  Em add2       C add2         D           G
| Guitar 2 (Drop-Db)
"I don't know what's happening, and I can't pretend,    but"

  Em add2      C add2                ** guitar w/ light dist, tremelo
| Guitar 2 (Drop-Db)
"I  can  be  your,    be  your"

VERSE 2 - 
"Someone help us    understand,  who ordered"

     "This disgusting arrangement, time and the end"

   "I don't wanna hear who walked   On water"

   "Because the hallways are empty  And clocks tick"

Play PreChorus again - Lyrics:

"As the world implodes, we fall into it. 
And we can't go home because this will not go away"

Repeat Chorus to the 3rd line ('... I can't pretend')

BRIDGE - Guitar 2 (Open high strings are played quieter by Guitar 1)

  Ab                            B            

It's  a  long  long  getaway   It's  a  long  long  getaway"

 "Make  it  home  again      Make  it  home  again"

Repeat 1st line ('long long getaway...')

Repeat Chorus again - then change ending to:

  Em           Cadd2          G             D                    Ending
|---------------------------|-------------------------|        -0--0--0-0-0------|
|---------------------------|-------------------------|        -0--0--0-0-0------|
|---------9----7--------9---|-7-------9---7-------9---|        -6--6--6-6-6------|
|-----9-------------7-------|-----7-----------9-------|        -7--7--7-7-7------|
|-7-------------------------|-------------------------|        -7--7--7-7-7------|
|---------------------------|-------------------------|        -5--5--5-5-5------|
| Guitar 2 (Drop-Db) -
|---------------------------|--------------------------|       ------------------|
|---------------------------|--------------------------|       ------------------|
|--------------5---5----5-5-|--------------------------|       -2--2--2-2-2------|
|-2---2---2-2--5---5----5-5-|-5----5--5--5\0--0--0--0--|       -2--2--2-2-2------|
|-2---2---2-2--3---3----3-3-|-5----5--5--5\0--0--0--0--|       -0--0--0-0-0------|
|-2---2---2-2---------------|-5----5--5--5\0--0--0--0--|       ------------------|

"I  can  be  your,  be  your...  I'm  here, and"

"I  can  be  your,  be  your...  I'm  here"        "It's  a  long  long  getaway"

| /  slide up
| \  slide down
| h  hammer-on
| p  pull-off
| ~  vibrato
| x  Mute note
|PM  Palm Mute
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