• Song:

    Mr Crowley

  • Artist:

    Ozzy Osbourne

  • Album:

    Phoenix Rising (disc 2)

SONG: Mr. Crowley
ARTIST: Ozzy Osbourne
TITLE:  Blizzard of OZZ
WRITTEN BY: Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads and Bob Daisley

      X       Muted note or pick slide
      \ or /  Slide from note on left to note on right
      ~       Add vibrato to note
      ^       Bend up (ie: 12^(14) means bend 12 up to 14.)
      v       Bend down  (ie: 3v(2) means bend 3 down to a 1.)
      h       Hammer-on from note on left to note on right
      p       Pull-off from note on left to note on right
      ====    Let note ring out
      x?x     Indicates touch harmonic
      %?%     Indicates pick (artificial) harmonic

 (Synth. arr. for gtr.)
 Dm                Am                  F               C

 Am              Em          Am A#  F    G  F  E  F  A

Verse 1


                                                  [- Fill 1 --]

[-- Fill 2 ----------]

Verse 2

Repeat VERSE 1, but replace FILL 1 with FILL 3 and FILL 2 with FILL 4:

[-- Fill 3 -------] [-- Fill 4 ------------------]
|-----------------| |----------------------------|
|-----------------| |-3h4p3--3-------------------|
|-----------------| |------5--5-3h5p3\2--2-------|
|---------------7-| |------------------5--5-3-2--|
|-5h7p5h7p5h7p5-5-| |--------------------------5-|
|-----------------| |----------------------------|















Verse 3

Repeat VERSE 2, but replace FILL 4 with FILL 5:

[-- Fill 5 ----------------------------------]


                                            [--- 1 ---][--- 2 ---]

|-------15-(repeat 4 X)--------15--(repeat 4x)-------------

|-------13-(repeat 4x)---------13-(repeat 4x)--------------













   Have Fun
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