Return to Music X Music X Bass Tab song: Breathe Babylon group: P.O.D. album: BROWN, Live at Tomfest, Warriors EP ~*~D-TUNED~*~ ~ means hold note h means hammer on following note / means slide up intro low D-0~~~~-999999999-0~~~~~~-9999999999 (repeat...throughout intro) intro part 2 low D-h1-000-h1-000-h1-00000 (repeat...) chorus riff low D-434-43434-434-4343434 (repeat...) verse G--------------------------------------------------------------------------| d---------------------------------------------------------------------------| A----------h5~~--03-05-03-05-//--------h5~~-03-05-03-05//| D-h0h0---------------------------h0h0---------------------------------| then go back to chorus riff sorry peepz...but once again i dont know the bridge (u know the "look to the sky head the warnin" part) anyway... HXC4JC, Ben P.