Band: P.O.D.
Song: Find My Way
Album: Payable On Death
Tuning 4-string: D A D G
Tabbed By ClosedRoad

G -----------------------------|
D -----------------------------| 2x
A -55555--5555-------------11--|
D -------8-----88-55555-33-----|

Verse    2x                        2x
G ---------------------------|-------------------------|
D ---------------------------|-------------------------|
A ----11r---33r--------------|-----11r---33r-----7545--|
D -00r----------55r----------|-00r-----------55r-------|

Chorus 2x

After Chorus
G -----------------------|
D -----------------------|
A --------------------11-| 2x
D -0000-/4000-0000-33----|

Chorus 2x
After Chorus 2x

Breakdown I
G --------------------------------|
D --------------------------------|
A --------------------------------| 2x
D -7777-3-0--30308888-33-555-888--|

Breakdown II
G ---------------------------------|
D ---------------------------------|
A --------------111-----------000--| 2x
D -888555-3-3-3-----03030-303------|

Rest for a couple of seconds

Chorus 2x
After Chorus 2x
Breakdown I 1x

That's It I think there are a couple of foulds in it but that's up to you.
Have Fun and Please rate it.
Greetings ClosedRoad.
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