Standard tunning, with capo on the first fret.
 The strumming is pretty easy, so just listen to the song

Am (x02210@1)  x02210
E (022100@1)  022100
F7Madd11   133200
Gsus2 (3x0233@1)  300033

Intro (x2) 

Am E E7Madd11 Gsus2

Am (x02210@1)        EFrom (022100@1)ripe, to green

F7Madd11  Gsus2
Too real, too late

Am (x02210@1)               EShould (022100@1)I lie down, or stand up

F7Madd11       Gsus2
Or walk around again?

Am (x02210@1)                 EMy (022100@1)eyes finally right opened out

F7Madd11             Gsus2 (3x0233@1) 
My eyes finally right opened shut

Am (x02210@1)                   ETo (022100@1)find my fount of sound

F7Madd11                  Gsus2That (3x0233@1)Ears the touch of my tears

Am (x02210@1)               E (022100@1)                    
Smell the taste of all we waste

F7Madd11        Gsus2
Could feed the others

Am (x02210@1)                E (022100@1)     
But we smother each other with the nettle

    F7Madd11        Gsus2And (3x0233@1)Pucker the sour sugar sweet weather

Am (x02210@1)                        EIt (022100@1)blows through our trees, swims through our sees

F7Madd11                     Gsus2 (3x0233@1)              
Flies to the last gasp we’ve left on this earth, 

Am (x02210@1)        E (022100@1)        F7Madd11    Gsus2Oh (3x0233@1)      ohoh          oh-oh         oh

Am (x02210@1)   E (022100@1)         F7Madd11     Gsus2It's (3x0233@1)a long lonely journey from death to birth

Am (x02210@1)   E (022100@1)         F7Madd11     Gsus2It's (3x0233@1)a long lonely journey from death to 

Am (x02210@1)   E (022100@1)         F7Madd11     Gsus2It's (3x0233@1)a long lonely journey from death to birth

Am (x02210@1)   E (022100@1)         F7Madd11     Gsus2 (3x0233@1)     
It's a long lonely journey from death to    ...birth

Am (x02210@1)                EShould (022100@1)I die again? Should I die around?

F7Madd11      Gsus2 (3x0233@1)             
The pounds of matter willing to space

Am (x02210@1)                E (022100@1)F7Madd11  Gsus2I (3x0233@1)know I'll never know until I come face to face

Am (x02210@1)        EWith (022100@1)my own cold dead face

F7Madd11       Gsus2
Oh With my own wooden case

Am (x02210@1)      EYou (022100@1)with me la la ohohoh

(play this as loud as you can the last time....its worth breaking a string)

Am (x02210@1)   E (022100@1)         F7Madd11     Gsus2It's (3x0233@1)a long lonely journey from death to birth

Am (x02210@1)   E (022100@1)         F7Madd11     Gsus2It's (3x0233@1)a long lonely journey from death to 

Am (x02210@1)   E (022100@1)         F7Madd11     Gsus2It's (3x0233@1)a long lonely journey from death to birth

Am (x02210@1)   E (022100@1)         F7Madd11     Gsus2 (3x0233@1)     
It's a long lonely journey from death to    ...birth

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