No Capo

G - D - Am - D (2x)

G (320003@1)              D (xx0232@1)             Am (x02210@1) DSleepwalking (xx0232@1)the streets tonight
G (320003@1)              D (xx0232@1)             Am (x02210@1) DEvery (xx0232@1)step could change my mind
G (320003@1)            D (xx0232@1)               AmEven (x02210@1)if I change that's alright
    D (xx0232@1)          G (320003@1)  D (xx0232@1)        Am (x02210@1) DCan (xx0232@1)I be healed?       Be healed

G - D - Am - D (2x)

G (320003@1)                D (xx0232@1)              Am (x02210@1) DWhen (xx0232@1)it rains you stay inside
G (320003@1)                  D (xx0232@1)            Am (x02210@1) DKiss (xx0232@1)kiss kiss those days good bye
G (320003@1)                   D (xx0232@1)           AmYou (x02210@1)say that I've changed that's alright
    D (xx0232@1)          G (320003@1)  D (xx0232@1)        Am (x02210@1) DCan (xx0232@1)I be healed?       Be healed

G - D - Am - D (2x)

G (320003@1)          D (xx0232@1) Am (x02210@1)   DCome (xx0232@1)on come on .... Can I be healed   (3x)

G- (320003@1)D- (xx0232@1)Am- (x02210@1)D (xx0232@1)

G (320003@1)               D (xx0232@1)             Am (x02210@1) DKeep (xx0232@1)the blood beneath the light
G (320003@1)            D (xx0232@1)                Am (x02210@1) DNature (xx0232@1)is a curse we fight
G (320003@1)                    D (xx0232@1)        AmPeople (x02210@1)say I've changed that's alright
    D (xx0232@1)          G (320003@1)  D (xx0232@1)        Am (x02210@1) DCan (xx0232@1)I be healed?       Be healed

G - D - Am - D (2x)

G (320003@1)          D (xx0232@1)     Am (x02210@1)DCome (xx0232@1)on, come on my love
Can I be healed?   Be healed
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