An amazing song by parachute band.
living rain-parachute band

  D (xx0232@1)  G (320003@1)  A (x02220@1)  Bm (x24432@1) Gmaj (320003@1)|-2----3----X----2----3----------|

DWe (xx0232@1)Your people come
   G(or Gmaj)                   AIn (x02220@1)desperate need to You we run
DCalled (xx0232@1)by Your great name
     G (320003@1)                              AWith (x02220@1)humble hearts we seek Your ways

DWe (xx0232@1)believe in faith
     G (320003@1)                        AYour (x02220@1)promises will never break
DTurn (xx0232@1)from wicked ways
   G (320003@1)                             ATo (x02220@1)live as Christ for all our days

Bm (x24432@1)              AOh (x02220@1)God high up in heaven
Gmaj (320003@1)             AWon't (x02220@1)You heal our land

D (xx0232@1)          ALiving (x02220@1)rain, fall again
Gmaj (320003@1)               AOver (x02220@1)my life over my land
D (xx0232@1)         Bm (x24432@1)          A (x02220@1)     GmajLiving (320003@1)rain wash my heart again

D (xx0232@1)        AOpen (x02220@1)wide, heaven skies
Gmaj (320003@1)                    AOver (x02220@1)my street oh Spirit reside
D (xx0232@1)         Bm (x24432@1)     A (x02220@1)         GmajLiving (320003@1)rain flood my life again

D (xx0232@1)                     ACome (x02220@1)back, back to your first love
             Bm (x24432@1)       ABack (x02220@1)to your first love
            GmajBack (320003@1)to the Cross

D (xx0232@1)                     ACome (x02220@1)back, back to your first love
             Bm (x24432@1)       ABack (x02220@1)to your first love
                   Gmaj (320003@1)     AAt (x02220@1)the foot of the Cross


thank you, hope it helped...azz man

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