Pearl Jam (Eddie Vedder) & Corin Tucker - The Golden State (John Doe Cover)
This is my first tab so bear with me :)After looking at videos of Eddie playing it, Ive 
that its different to the chords that John Doe uses.
This song is very easy - perfect for beginners. 
 - based off this live performance.

Little Intro thing:        e|---------0-------------|
(It might be played        b|---10------10-10-------|
lower on the studio        g|------7------7---------|
version, I'm just          d|--0-----0--------------|      x2
going off the live         a|-----------------------|
   version)                e|-----------------------|

Simple chords - add little variations. (D chord during verses- take your 1st finger on 
off G string) The chords might not be in exactly the right place but you get the idea.

D                B          A
    You are the hole in my head
   D     B             A
I am the pain in your neck
   D        B          A
You are the lump in my throat
   D        B       A    G
I am the aching in your heart

Pre Chorus:

(G)      Em
We are tangled
We are stolen
       Cadd9         (*)        A
We are living where things are hidden

(*) - Walkdown bit - dont know the chord name but after playing Cadd9
 when it says "things" keep the Cadd9 shape but take your 2nd finger off the A string 
put your first finger on the A string on the 2nd fret. it looks like this :


2nd Verse- Same chords used in 1st verse
You are the something in my eye
I am the shiver down your spine
You are the lick of my lips
I am on the tip of your tongue

2nd Pre-chorus- same chords  used in 1st prechorus
We are tangled
We are stolen
We are buried up to our necks in sand


We are luck
We are fate
            G                      A
We are the feeling you get in the golden state
We are love
We are hate
            G                       A
We are the feeling I get when you walk away
        Em       G            A
Walk Away
(use e string to "walk" up to G 2nd and 3rd fret)
Variation - use your little finger on the 5th fret of the B string when playing A - 
it a nice touch.

3rd verse - same as previous verses
You are the dream in my nightmare
I am that falling sensation
You are my needles and pins
I am your hangover morning

Pre-chorus- same as other pre-choruses

Chorus - same again except extra Walk away at the end - after the first walk away dont 
A chord after G - go back and play Em, G and then A.
like this:
...when you walk away
       Em       G
Walk Away
         Em      G      A          (*2)
Walk Awaaaay!

*2- after playing the A go up the 14th fret and play for a few strums:

Verse - same as first verse. End on a D (After playing G of course ;) )
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