From the Album TESTIMONY OF THE ANCIENTS
                         Copyright 1991 The All Blacks B.V./    
                                        Roadrunner Records 

                              Version 1.0 - May 96
Transcription Done By: Richard Broadhead II() 
For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version; 
               please contact Rich Broadhead at 

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It:

.  - palm mute                          ph    - pinched harmonic
/  - slide up to                        ah    - artificial harmonic
  - slide down to                      th    - tap harmonic 
~  - vibrato                            hr    - natural harmonic
h (x2444x@1)- hammer on                          b (x24432@1)   - bend 
p  - pull off                              Suffixes for bend    
t  - tap with finger                            f- (133111@1)full bend    h- (x2444x@1)half bend
repeat measure                             r - release      t - tap bend
X  - percussion mute                            p - pick when bent 
>  - accented note                         Prefixes
() - ghost note, sustained note                 p - pre-bend     w - use bar
*  - see comment                                d- (xx0231@1)don't pick start of bend 

Normal Tuning

|-------------------------|--------------------------|  GTR I
|-------------------------|--------------------------|  GTR II
|-------------Pick Slide--|--------------------------|

Riff A (x02220@1)                               (end of Riff A)
|-------------------------|--------------------------|  GTR I & GTR II

Play Riff A two more times for a total of three times

Riff B (x2444x@1)                                        (end of Riff B)
|--------------------------1110-|--------------------------11-| GTR I &
|--------------------------1110-|--------------------------11-|   GTR II
  ........................       ........................                   
Play Riff B a total of two times.

Rhythm under Uterwijk's solo
         .    .       .     .         .     .        .    .

That Rhythm is repeated twice under Uterwijk's solo

Play Riff A two more times
Play Riff B 4 more times

Riff C (x32010@1)             (end of Riff C)
|---------------------------------| GTR I & GTR II
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Play Riff C 3 more times for a total of four times.

Riff D (xx0232@1)              (end of Riff D)
|----------------------------------|  GTR I
|----------------------------------|  GTR II

Rhythm under Mameli's solo

Play That Rhythm twice under Mameli's solo.
Then Gtr I plays Riff A, While Gtr II finishes the solo
Play Riff A twice
Riff B four times
Riff C 5 times
Riff D

Uterwijk's Solo
      . .

              . . . .  . . .  . . .  . . .  . .



Mameli's Solo

continuation of above measure


Continued from above      trill


*turns into this note via feedback

For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version; 
               please contact Rich Broadhead at 

Check Out My Web Page, With More Transcriptions On It:

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