Riffed by Metfan®
July 16 2oo4
Song Artist: Peter Pan Speedrock
Song Album: Lucky Bastard
Song Writen by: Peter Pan Speedrock
Contact: Metfan_999@hotmail.com

~	-	vibrato
~~	-	vibrato(longer)
(x)b(y)	-	bend (x) till reaches (y)
(x)p(y)	-	pull off (x) to (y)
(x)h(y)	-	hammer on (x) to (y)

Standard tuning: EADGBE

	intro 0:01
|-------------------------| 16 times
PM    .     .     .

	verse 0:23

	verse continued
|-------------------------| 2 times
PM    .     .     .

	[verse 2x]

	pre chorus 0:33
|----------------------------| 2 times
pickslide           ........

	chorus 0:42
|-------------------------------| 2 times
PM...   .....   .....   ....  .

	[intro 4x] 0:048
	[verse 2x] 0:52
	[pre   2x] 1:03
	[chorus2x] 1:11

	Bridge 1:17
PM           .     .        .   .

	Bridge continued...
PM           .     .        .   .

	intro 1:22
|-------------------------| 4 times
PM    .     .     .

	Bridge2 1:28
|---------------------------------| 4 times

	Solo 1:38
|-------------|		|-------------------------|
|-------------|		|-------------------------|
|-9~~--8~--7~-|		|-------------------------| 2 times
|-------------|		|-------------------------|
|-------------|		|-------4-----5-----4--2--|
|-------------|		|-0--0-----0-----0--------|

	[solo 2x]
	[pre   2x] 1:49
	[chorus4x] 1:57

	outro 2:08

Don't know exactly what the bridge riff really is, i just call it a bridge, lekker boeiend!

PZ, -Met®
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