Trouble Chords by Pink, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com ยท Trouble Chords @ 911Tabs.Com 

                             Trouble (Acoustic)    By: Pink

I watched a video recording of Pink in the recording studio on Sessions@Aol doing the
acoustic version of this song 

and this is exactly what her guitarist played. Remember, it's the acoustic version.
(Exactly how it's sung and played)
Tabbed by: Shilo Zaba

Tuning: standard

    G: (( 3 2 x x 3 3 ))
    D: (( x x x 2 3 2 ))
Cadd9: (( x 3 2 x 3 3 ))
 *???: (( 2 2 4 2 3 5 ))
    C: (( x 3 2 x 1 x ))

G                        D
No attorneys to plead my case

Cadd9                 G       
no orbits to send me into outer space

G                    D                        Cadd9
and my fingers are bejeweled with diamonds and gold

but that ain't gonna help me now

G Cadd9  G
i'm trouble

G   Cadd9  G
yeah trouble now

G  Cadd9    G
i'm trouble ya'll

    D        Cadd9
I disturb my town

G  Cadd9  G
i'm trouble

G  Cadd9  G
yeah trouble now

G  Cadd9    G
i'm trouble ya'll

    D             Cadd9
I got trouble in my town

G                                D
Think you're right but you were wrong

             Cadd9         G
You tried to take me but I knew all along

          G             D
You can't take me for a ride

           Cadd9           G        
I'm not a fool now so you better run and hide

((chords switch quickly here for the chorus. you wanna tranfer from the first G into
Cadd9 before you finish saying "I'm", you ideally wanna be back on G when you start
singing the word "trouble", it that makes any sense. Basically, you should barely
notice the first G on each line of the chorus.))

G  Cadd9  G                
i'm trouble                 
G   Cadd9  G                
yeah trouble now

G  Cadd9    G
i'm trouble ya'll

    D        Cadd9
I disturb my town

G  Cadd9  G
i'm trouble

G   Cadd9  G
yeah trouble now

G  Cadd9    G
i'm trouble ya'll

    D             Cadd9
I got trouble in my town

*???   G 
see me coming 

Down the street and you 

*???      G
Know it's time to

C                   C                                         G   
Go.....  ((then you know it's time to go!!!))  cuz here comes trouble
((continue to chorus chords for interlude))

(The Music interlude is just the Chord progression for the chorus)

G                        D             
No attorneys to plead my case             ((sing slower and play softer
                                    from "No attorneys" to "outer space"))
Cadd9                 G       
no orbits to send me into outer space

G                    D                        Cadd9
and my fingers are bejeweled with diamonds and gold

but that aint gonna help me now

G                                D
Think you're right but you were wrong

          Cadd9         G
you tried to take me but I knew all along

          G             D
You can't take me for a ride

           Cadd9           G        
I'm not a fool now so you better run and hide

((Chorus x1)) <-- just getting too long to keep typing the chorus out.

*???            G
When you see me coming 

Down the street and you 

*???      G
Know it's time to

C        D
Go......   I got...

(Chorus x1)
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