• Song:


  • Artist:

    Pink Floyd

  • Album:

    Masters of Rock

Tuning= standard E A D G B E


/ = slide up
 slide down

All move-ment is ac - com - plished in six stages
The time is with the month of winter solstice

And the sev - enth brings re-turn
When the change is due to come

Se-ven is the num - ber of the young light
Thunder in the Earth, the course of Hea - ven

It forms when darkness is in - creased by one
Things can-not be destroyed once and for all
Change Return Success

Going and coming without error

-0--0----0----------0--2-------------2-------7 / 9 / 12  11  ---
Action brings good fortune Sunset Sunri - se
(for second time)

----2-------7 / 9 / 12  11  9  7  5 / 7----7  5------------------
Sunset Sunri - se Sun rise
(for final time)

-11 / 12 / 14  12  11  9 / 12  5 / 7--
Sun ri - se

-5 / 9  5 / 7---
Sun ri - se
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