This is one of my favorite songs on the new Plus 44 album! It's easy to play but yet it 
has a pretty catchy bassline.  There are a few parts in this tab that I am not 100% sure 
correct, but It is my first tab.  Please email me at for any errors or corrections.

Intro - Guitar Solo


-----------3333333-------|   x2

Not 100% sure on this part
-----------3333333-------|   x1

-----------3333333-------|   x2

Chorus -- Im not 100% on this one

------------33333333------------33333333-----------|   x2

----------3333333--------|   x1


-----------3333333-------|   x2

-----------3333333-------|   x1

-----------3333333-------|   x2


------------33333333------------33333333-----------|   x2

----------3333333--------|   x1

Bridge - Wait for the guitar part to finish. Im pretty sure this is right.  Play with 
song to feel the timing of the notes.

--------------------------------|   x2


------------33333333------------33333333-----------|   x4

----------3333333--------|   x1

And there you have it!  This song is pretty easy to play, but its still fun to play.  
I said though, this is my first tab, so if you find and corrections, please email me at:

If you have any plus 44 request bass tabs, let me know!
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