• Song:

    Our Way

  • Artist:

    Portugal The Man

  • Album:

    Censored Colors

Super easy song to play. Typically, it's played by the band after they play 1989 
during a live performance. In the recording, these chords are actually played in a 
higher octave, although it sounds fine to play them regularly.

G                 Bm              Em
But we found that we were always lost,
And we will never find our way.
G                 Bm              Em
But we found that we were always lost,
And we will never find our way.
G                 Bm              Em
But we found that we were always lost,
And we will never find our way.
G                 Bm              Em
But we found that we were always lost,
And we will never find our way.

G                 Bm              Em
But we found that we were always lost,
And we will never find our way.
G                 Bm              Em
But we found that we were always lost,
And we will never find our way.
G                 Bm              Em
But we found that we were always lost,
And we will never find our way.
G                 Bm              Em
But we found that we were always lost,
And we will never find our way.
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