A (x02220@1)         A4There (x02230@1)is no rock
A (x02220@1)         A4 (x02230@1)     A (x02220@1)   A4 (x02230@1) A (x02220@1)A4There (x02230@1)is no god like our God
D (xx0232@1)      D4No (xx0233@1)other name
D (xx0232@1)       D4 (xx0233@1)    A (x02220@1)  A4 (x02230@1)A (x02220@1)A4Worthy (x02230@1)of all our praise
    E (022100@1)         E4 (022200@1)     E (022100@1)      E4 (022200@1)The rock of salvation that cannot be moved
     F#m (244222@1)                 DHe�s (xx0232@1)proven Himself to be faithful and true
B4There (x24452@1)is no rock
D (xx0232@1)                  A (x02220@1)A4 (x02230@1)A (x02220@1)(A4)
There is no God like ours

     F#m (244222@1) D (xx0232@1)  A (x02220@1)          ERock (022100@1)of a--ges, Jesus is the rock
     F#m (244222@1) D (xx0232@1)  A (x02220@1)          ERock (022100@1)of a--ges, Jesus is the rock
     F#m (244222@1) D (xx0232@1)  A (x02220@1)          ERock (022100@1)of a--ges, Jesus is the rock
G4There (3x0013@1)is no rock
D (xx0232@1)	   AThere (x02220@1)is no God like ours

ARock (x02220@1)of Ages (repeat till Jesus comes)


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