• Song:

    Naked & Famous

  • Artist:

    Presidents Of The USA


Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:05:45 +0100
From: David Worsley 

"Naked and Famous" by the Presidents of the USA
Transcribed by David Worsley

	Guitbass (effectively guitar) low to high: Db Ab Db
	Basitar  (effectively bass)   low to high: Db Ab

For those of you who don't know, the guitbass is a guitar with only 3 strings 
on it, and the basitar is a guitar (6-string) strung with only 2 bass strings.

Naked and Famous





|-0-0--0-4-5--5-5-0-0--0-4-5--5-5-0--|  This bit has 2 rhythms. One as shown
|-0-0--0-4-5--5-5-0-0--0-4-5--5-5-0--|  with the slow chorus, one with the same
|-0-0--0-4-5--5-5-0-0--0-4-5--5-5-0--|  chords but faster with the guitar solos.


Bit that leads into parts with guitar solos:




You are on your own with the guitar noodles, just improvise or leave them out.

Mail me at:-   m.worsley@bbcnc.org.uk (David Worsley)

Eat British Beef.

From MHAB22A@prodigy.com Thu Apr 25 03:30:54 1996
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Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 23:23:55, -0500
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Subject: here is some tab
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Song: Naked and Famous
Band: The Presidents of the USA
Album: The Presidents of the USA

Tuning: 6 to Db, 5 to Ab, and 4 to Db


The Rythm at the end:
   |_4x_|            |_4x_|                                           

That is pretty much it except for a few stuff I did not get.  E-mail 
me if ya want to talk about the Presidents or other stuff.    E-mail 
address=  MHAB22A@prodigy.com
                      MIKE  ZOMBO
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