Primus Lacquer Head Antipop tabbed by: Don Martin Legend: < : weak tap X : muted slap or pop S : Slap p : Pop ^ : upwards slap (move thumb from for an example A to E, merely touching the lower tone) ~ : let ring / and \ : slide down and up OK here we go. Lacquer head, being one of my favorite songs, is also the first one i will tab.lets start off by listening to the song. try to hear how the bass-beat goes. its no use trying learn the song directly off the tab. ok now you listened to it, right? good. VERSE: ok this is hard to explain, but ill try. here is a simple tab: G----------X---------- D--------------<3----- A----X---------<3----- E-------X------------- play this over again S ^ p start with finger placements. mute the E string with your left thumb, and the G string with your index finger. rest your left ring and middle finger on the middle strings A and D. to explain: slap your thumb down at the A string, then, as you move your thumb up again, hit the E string with the side of your thumb. remember to mute with your left hand. sort of a "chuka-chuka" sound. and then, as your double slap is done, pop the G string (remember muting with index finger). for the final detail, weakly tap the A and D string on the third fret with your middle finger and your ring finger. listen to the song for timing and watch the video to see Les play it. Then comes a simple part in the verse: G-------- D-------- A-2-3---- E-----2-3 S S S S play this and the verse the way you hear it on the song. Chorus: compared to the verse, this is fairly simple. G------------------------ D----5~---8~------------- A----3~---6~------------- E------------------------ S S "Lacquer head has but one desire.." interlude: G-------2----------I--------2------- D------------------I---------------- A------------------I---------------- E-0000-----0-3-2-3-I--0000-----0---- SSSS p SSSS SSSS p S Bass Solo: ok this is hard. you will have to try this over and over again 'til you get it. just try to slap and pop really fast. mute all notes with left hand, and remember to mute on the second frets. G--------X--- D------------ A---XXX------ E------------ over and over again until: G------------------------ D------------------------ A---0---12/-------------- E------------------------ return to verse. Now, after the second chorus, you dont return to verse. Bridge: play this after second chorus. G------------------------ D---------15/------------ A----3\------------------ E------------------------ "keep on sniffin til yer brain goes pop" It doesnt really matter where you slide, but just do a lot of slides up and down from about the 3rd and 15th frets, on whatever string you might prefer. Second Bridge: G------------037------I--------037--------- D---------------------I-------------------- A-----055--------055--I--055--------055567- E---------------------I-------------------- S S p S S S S p S SSSS slap and pop as described That should be it, just puzzle all the tabs here together and youre done! Don Martin