 Primus--Pudding Time

Ok, this is intro, it's all slapped.

G -<---------------------------->-|
D -<---------------------------->-|
A -<-7-------------------------->-|
E -<--0-00-00-00-00-00-00-16/3-->-|

Main riff:

      d h   d   d   d
G -<---7-8---8---8---7->-|
D -<---7-8---8---8---7->-|
A -<-s-----s---s------->-|
E -<-0-----0---0---0--->-|

next is muted notes Les does while he sings, just srom up and down

d-downstroke, u-upstroke
    d u d u
G -<-x-x-x-x->-|
D -<-x-x-x-x->-|
A -<-x-x-x-x->-|
E -<-x-x-x-x->-|

refrain when he says pudding time, all slapped:

G -<---------------------------------------|
D -<---------------------------------------|
A -<------555-555-555-555-555-555-555-555--|
E -<-16/3----------------------------------|

then into main riff

When appropriate do this and repeat a little
    d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u
G -<-17-17-16-16-15-15-16-16->-|
D -<-17-17-16-16-15-15-16-16->-|
A -<------------------------->-|
E -<------------------------->-|

more muting and main riffing and at part before "humpty dumpty"

     d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u
G -<-14-17-14-17-14-17-14-15-14-12-14-17-14-17-14-15-14-17-->-|
D -<-14-17-14-17-14-17-14-15-14-12-14-17-14-17-14-15-14-17-->-|
A -<-------------------------------------------------------->-|
E -<-------------------------------------------------------->-|

do that two times then:
     d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u
G -<-14-17-14-17-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-14-17-14-17-20-20-20-20-19-19---|
D -<-14-17-14-17-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-14-17-14-17-20-20-20-20-19-19---|
A -<---------------------------------------------------------------------|
E -<---------------------------------------------------------------------|
 d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u  d  u

then go straight into and repeat alot of times until after humpty dumpty, this:
     d  u  d  u
G -<-14-17-14-17-->-|
D -<-14-17-14-17-->-|
A -<-0-----0------>-|
E -<-------------->-|
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